Rant: Theives

So I was pushing this semi part around in my yard tonight for a work out, the back four wheels.. Anyways this guy who is older than I am comes riding up on a little huffy bike and asked for a beer.. I think no harm in that.. so I give him a beer.. Says he is from texas and is going town to town for the summer.. turns out to be one of those people that starts talking about anything and never shuts up.. talks for three hours and then without asking takes a piss by each window at my house.. while pissing looks into my house and starts talking about what he see's.. then pulls out his little switch blade and begins playing with it.. all I do is smile. wishing he would try something.. then he begins talking about my car.. that he would like to buy it.. I told him that I was not interested in selling it..

he then ques in that he is in town with the fair for a few days, he operates the zipper ride and that we should hang out while he is in town.. :|

my question is one where the hell did he get a bike when he is just passing through.. two why the hell is he looking in the windows to my house.. three why is he getting in my bubble and not leaving?

I was so amped up I wanted to drop this random *** guy with the **** my dad taught me, which he learned via recon in the corp..

so now I am all hyped up and kinda paranoid that this freak is going to come back to my house, smash out a window and try an steal something.. or do something to my car.. I have no firearms or I wouldn't even worry about it.. I have a million thoughts running through my head seein as he is only two blocks away from my house for the fair..

Is this normal to be a little anxious about this?