neighbors hate me

well im all the time have a new junk car in the yard . last count i have 10 in the front not all junk 1/2 we drive ,my neighbors yard looks all nice... the other day one of them came over when i was loading one to send to the scrap yard and was talking saying stuff like so ur cleaning it up now!!! i got kind of mad i told him nope making room for more!!!! they rolled there eyes and went home. FYI i was here 1st all my neighbors are like 6 years being here. I've been here for 18 years. my yard i will do what i want any one have this going on ? lol i don't care if they hate me one hate me i have one that hates me so bad that when i post a car for sell or some thing on cl he flags it that was a deal that he wanted a part i had and wanted to pay zip for it so i didnt sell it to him he wanted a 60 buck intake for 10 bucks thats not going to happen