neighbors hate me

To OP,

F the neighbors. If you were there first, I guess they should have looked around before they bought their house. Thats their problem.

If they dont like it, they should have moved into a neighborhood with a code of rules so they can ask permission when changing their drapes and double check on the color of white thats acceptable for mail box posts. Then submit to a neighborhood vote when they want to have a shed in their backyard that has no trees.

My neighbor directly accross the street hates me. He spies on me when I start up my Scamp, he thinks I bashed down his mail box, and he thinks I drove through his yard. He's an unhappy asshole, only thing I can do is ignore him or move. So he gets ignored.

Not too long ago I called the cops (non emergency line) to get the hours of the noise ordinance. I started mowing my lawn at 7 am to piss off the neighbor,,,,,,,,,,totally failed.......within 5 min. he was cleaning his garage and mowing his lawn.

I'd love to screw with my neighbor....meaning kill his grass, kill his plants, drive through his yard (wish I would have done it since he blames me for it). People like that arent worth diddly squat, often times they want to create problems so they have something to do......they feed off of negativity.