neighbors hate me

One of my neighbors (don't know which one)called the cops on me once for giving my kids rides on a mini-bike I got for my oldest boys birthday .

I asked the police officer what was the complaint since I wasn't speeding (doing maybe 15 m.p.h. tops ) and the mini-bike had on over sized muffler so it was really quiet ?

He replied, "Disturbing the peace" and added you got an a$$hole neighbor who likes wastin our time ......but if they call, we gotta make a guest appearance !

So after he leaves I go back home .......and remove ALL MUFFLERS from EVERY MOTORIZED VEHICLE on my property including the mini-bike which recieved a chrome shower pipe with a baloney cut where the muffler once resided...... now it sounds like a drag Harley when I scream it up to 40 mph and get out of it while feathering the throttle to make it POP and BACKFIRE REALLY LOUD AND ANNOYINGLY up and down the block !!!!

Now that's "DISTURBING THE PEACE " screw them neighbors !