neighbors hate me

Sooner or later country ordinances will screw up your hobby stockpile, country or not.

Everywhere you go the noose tightens and city-like restrictions start to sprawl into the more rural areas as neighbors move in.

My county used to be cool, lotsa old cars in yards and such lotsa farms, but as the real estate grew, so did the ordinances to the point where if you even have a car parked with no tag in your yard, you get some fool to rat on you, then comes some fat *** donut eatin' country boy telling you you need to get your vehicle registered as he spits chew on your driveway.
Or if you have a dog tied in the yard (like we've done for centuries) so it won't run off, you get warnings, fines because it's illegal to tie your fuggin dog now because some asswipe's dumb *** dog hung himself somewhere up in liberalville or something ten years ago while chasing a cat.

But they will sure let them develop every inch of property in the county until there not a patch of grass left.