"Dr. Death" is .....well.... seriously dead

First you have the side that knows it is not murder and consider it helping someone. From there point of view it is ok and should be allowed by the government. I for one see where they are coming from as I hate to see people suffer. Then you have the people who think it is ok but not for them. And third you have the people, religious or not who know it to be murder in there eyes, that is why they disagree with assisted suicide. If you thought someone was killing people would you not try to stop it. I do not blame them for fighting for what they know in there eyes to be wrong. What I do not get is why all the hate from both sides of the issue. What has hate ever done for anybody but made things worse. So you see, in everyones point of view they are correct and should be able to fight for it, even if they are wrong. BBQ ribs smoked for 4 hours with my home made BBQ sauce, rub and some ice cold beer Sunday, Yahoo!! I think we can all agree that sounds good!!!! Have a great weekend guys and girls.