"Dr. Death" is .....well.... seriously dead

I appreciate all sides of this matter. I disagree that a person should be made to suffer through pain, debilitating illness, and the like.
I fully understand the law, and I full understand the moral issue. I disagree with them.

Besides being the victim and suffering through the pain, the only thing worse than watching a loved one suffer is having a third party tell you and the victim that there's nothing you can do about it because of some archaic law, or the religious beliefs of some non-related party.

I have a "living will". It contains all of my wishes if I should ever succumb such a fate. It also includes a "DNR" (Do not resuscitate ) clause. If I die, I do not want to be revived, or kept alive by artificial means. Some of you here might disagree with me on this, and that's fine. I believe that it's my life, and I'd like everyone involved to deal with my incapacitated body, as I wish.

I wear a bracelet that states my wishes, and with all due respect to everyone else, none of that is the business of the government, the church, the press, or any other busybodies who chose to get involved in my personal decision about my life and body.

My wife and family also know my wishes, and have promised that they wouldn't violate them.
You're free to think and say anything you like about my personal decisions. You have no right to interfere with them, though.

The decision should be that of the victim, not the state, not the church, not the doctors, the police, the courts, not the press or the ever present do-gooders that pollute nearly everything they touch, or even family members unless express permission from the victim has been filed and is verifiable. It's should be only the victim's choice.