Car show pics, Decatur, IL 5/29/11

Until I started hanging around here, I never gave the Mopar A-bodies a second glance. Now, that's all I look for when I go to car shows. Here are some pics of the ones I found two Fridays ago, May 29, at the Chili Bowl in Decatur, IL.

Just in case there are any out there that don't know or aren't sure, the blue one is a '74 Dart, the red one is a '74 Dart Swinger, and the green one is a '75 (if I remember right) Plymouth Scamp. Of special note, the owner of the Scamp was a very nice gentleman who took the time to talk to me about his car without appearing TOO bothered to speak to a very obvious newb. He offered to open the hood so I could see/take pictures of his engine without me asking. He even took the air cleaner off so I could see the six-pack setup. I'm just sorry I didn't get any pictures of that. A boy always remembers his first six pack!!! My hat is off to this gentleman who hasn't lost sight of what car shows are supposed to be about.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my pictures!