Project- Bills Buggy

Not too much new to report on the buggy.. Like FABO buddy DusterDude72, life has kinda ground the project to a halt.. My wife got laid off, money is super tight.. actually thats a good way of putting it.. We're getting ready to dig into the body work this weekend, as I have some of the supplies needed for that.. but its decision time.. Every year my wife and I, and the rest of the gang go to the Mopar Nationals together.. Its a big deal to us, and its our vacation (only 3 days, but still... ) at this point though the money's just not there.. at this point its down to finish the car, or go to the Nats.. not both.. so.. what do I do? Do I finish what I can on the Dart this year so I can at least drive it a bit before winter? or do I put the buggy project on hold and take our vacation with the gang? ugh... well.. I am off to have a couple cold ones and start sanding on the Dart.. Stay tuned folks......