Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

DusterDude72 on the first page gave you the best advice. You probably just graduated and shes going to be a Junior this year right? These guys that are acting like you are some kind of sexual predator are idiots. You are with this girl because you care for her, not because you're some perverted adult looking to hook up with a minor (like you said, you're a minor yourself right now).

With that said....yes it will most likely be illegal in your state to have sex with her once you're 18. Which sucks because you aren't some 40 year old pervert looking to hook up with a little're a teenager looking to have a meaningful relationship with a girl you could have had freakin P.E. with. It sucks, I know....but what sucks even more is that by the sound of her parents, they'll be right there to try and prosecute you if they hear anything goes down.

Now with that don't know what love is yet. Love isn't something that happens after 3 months. Infatuations happen but not love. Love is much deeper than anything that can develop in 3 months. Every relationship will have this 6 month honeymoon period where everything seems perfect. Do not make the mistake of ignoring this because thats not how the relationship will last.

I've dated all kinds of girls with big problems. One was a constant cryer, one was so cold it was like dating a guy after a while, one was still in love with her ex from high school and one was controlled by her parents. We were 21 and she had to ask her parents if she could hang out with me. She had to check in with her parents every few hours. If she told her parents we were going to the movies, she had to be home in a reasonable time after the movie ended or else they would get mad at her. I wasn't even allowed to go upstairs at their house because thats where my girlfriends room was.

There is only one chance you have. You can try and get in good with her parents to where they'll like you and trust you more with their daughter. Try and find something in common with her dad and try and compliment and sweet talk her mom. Thats your only chance....otherwise to them you are just some young and dumb kid who only thinks with his dick.

I chose to just break off my relationship. I had nothing in common with her dad and her mom was just an irritating person I wanted nothing to do with. We were 21, able to go to bars and I wasn't even allowed in her room even when her parents were home. Once you start getting older you stop wanting to put up with stupid crap like that. When you're a minor you have no responsibilities but you have to follow everyone elses rules. When you're an adult you have a ton of responsibilities so you don't want to put up with immature rules.

You're still really young and in the prime of your life so don't waste your time by waiting on her. If her parents are going to be like this until she's 18 then move on and tell her you can't do this anymore because of her parents. She's young so she may or may not understand but at this age you are allowed to be selfish when it comes to things like this. You're only young once man.