Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

/6 Matt

Here is the deal -- you are not yet even 18.....the girl is just 16. She is still a kid. No offense intended, but so are you. You have only known her for 3 months.

And until both of you turn old enough to be on your own and living by your own rules, you have to abide by her folks as well as your folks' wishes whether you agree or not.

For the last 16 years her parents have raised her and they don't want some hormonal gear head besmirching their daughter. LOL

Until she moves out on her own ,that is the way it will be.

And that is the way it will be with many other girls who have parents that care.

Get used to it...when you turn 21 and are on your own you will have a whole new set of rules to follow and the people enforcing them won't be doing it out of love. You will sink or swim on your own merrit, with no one trying to guide you away from making major mistakes.

You won't always understand why the rules are what they are, but they will be the rules none-the-less.

I wouldn't let my 16 year old daughter spend time at a 17 year old boy's house with no adults around either....I don't know many Dads who would.

Too many possible scenarios...too many temptations.

It takes just one "oh dammit....." moment to change your life forever.

Don't take it personally....cause its not.

Most of the guys on here were once 17 year old boys and we know how their minds operate. Hell, some of us haven't grown much beyond a 17 year old mind when it comes to some topics...LOL

The fact that sex is even mentioned after just three months at age 17 with a barely 16 year old girl tells a tale IMHO and would result in you being banned from my house and even looking at my daughter. Sex after a 3 month relationship for a 24 year old is way different than for a 16 and 17 year old regardless of what popular music and media says.

You are probably a great kid and maybe you have all the purest thoughts and intentions.

But then again, maybe you aren't and don't.

And if its MY daughter you are dating, I control the shots and I am not going to gamble that you are not looking to "divide and conquer" my daughter and move on.

It has nothing to do with being a control freak, but everything to do with trying to keep my daughter from making a mistake she might regret the rest of her life. Boys walk away from sexual conquests almost like heros...the girls get labeled sluts and have to worry about a little thing called pregnancy. You get that girl pregnant and its not you who will HAVE to deal with a new baby, it will be her and her folks.

Or maybe she will end up being with you for the rest of her life and be very happy.

But its not YOUR gamble to make.

I can say this because I was once in your shoes. I was just 18 and fell for a just-16 gal and we have been together for 26 years now.

Her folks weren't as strict as mine, but they were good parents and had rules and let me know that they wouldn't stand for my disrespecting their rules. They knew what was on our minds and put things in place to make sure we were guided to the right decisions. We were together for over a year before any hanky panky happened. And frankly, looking back, that was too early considering the possibilities.

And had I been caught by her Dad I wouldn't be sitting here to pass on my advice.

If you really love this girl, you won't mind playing by her folks' rules. Just being with her in the scenarios they allow will be enough.

Their requiring an adult to be home and not letting you take their daughter on road trips alone is NOT (IMHO)'s what good parents do.

Do you have a sister? What do your parents say in all this?