Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Maybe I don't see where they're coming from but I see it as them making her decisions for her instead of letting her make some and I see them setting her up for failure by doing so.

:wack: At 17 yourself how can you possibly be equipped to determine if her parents are doing a good job parenting?

You don't NEED to "see where they are coming from" are not a barely 16 year-old girls are a not yet 18 year old. You have been thinking "independently" and looking to push the envelope of your parents' upbringing of you for maybe 3 or 4 years....what do you know about making decisions on your own?

Decisions a barely 16 year old girl is equipped to make are way different than the decisions that a much older WOMAN can make.

Same goes for boys/men.

Her parents are wise enough to know that.

Not to sound like an old fart but when you get older you will understand and see how little you really knew at age 17 and you will shake your head at some of the things you did.

I echo some of the other sentiments came on here laying your whole story out and asking for feedback...well, you got it....and typical of a kid your age you dont like most of it and lashed out.

A guy who has been through divorces, etc tries and gives you advice from his perspective and you call him "lonely and bitter"?

WTF. :protest:

To me, that shows the maturity level typical of a 17 year old.

And exactly why her parents are doing what they are doing.

I have seen the world very differently thru 17 year old, 23 year old, 33 year old, and 43 year old eyes...and I reckon at age 53 and 63 I will have learned even more.

They say "It's a shame that youth is wasted on the young" true. LOL