Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

And don't forget he called me a sleaze too. lol

Well, maybe ya are.....LOL JUST YANKIN YER CHAIN!!!! :mrgreen:

We are all sleazy to some degree anyways....I know I am......LOL

This guy is probably an Ok kid.....Hell, he's a mopar driver so he cant be all bad...LOL

I think he is just emotionalized over the girl and he is saying stuff he probably dont mean anyways, but still...gotta filter that **** out before you spout off.

None of us mean to be harsh. But unfortunately all of us have the benefit of "been there done that" and we see what he can't. I can emphathize with him .....I was once the same 17 year old, ****-sure that I knew best.......But I can say now that I was wrong....and so is he...

He'll see that himself down the road.

We are just trying to help...hope it don't fall on deaf ears.

Oh I am starting to sound like Dr Phil.
