Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

First remember, to love their daughter you have to be their friend too, otherwise it will be a battle for the whole time your together. By saying you gave up pot for her and not yourself leads people to believe your not responsible enough to be trusted. From what I read of your responses I can see you tend to fly off the handle a little quickly which will not go too far with concerned parents. Its not about the sex here but how you perceive yourself in this relationship,she is only 16 and nothing you say to her parents about your feelings will change the fact that she is still their baby and they have the last word here. Now if you really loved her as you proclaim, then I think you would be more understanding to their concerns about her future,saftey and her well being. She might be the best thing to ever happen to you, but thats in your world not theirs, if you want it to happen in their world then get to know them, help them out with things, dont get angry when they tighten up the belt, and just try to be cordial. Believe me your not going to sway their opinion, I was in your situation when I was 18 and her dad threatened to shoot me if he ever saw me walking down the street. As far as your depression please try to get some help as you seem to be a pretty good kid with a lot of potential,( hell you own a Mopar) thats on the right track. Sorry to be harsh here but you did put the rant out for scrutiny and we're all here to help and we have all been through this scene before-Trust Us!!