Whats the deal with all the single Moms?

Deadbeat dad is sometimes a moniker put on a poor guy that cant keep up with the payments. The term is overused and does not take into account the good guys that actually try. Just miss one payment or loose your job and right away your a deadbeat dad.

X2.... know more than a few Dads that were paying and willing to continue until the job dried up...now they are making 60% less money and still required to pay at the 100% rate....the court called them deadbeats....justice is blind...cuz if it saw what mommy was doing and how she was scammin the system ...justice would call her MORE THAN A DEADBEAT and put her fraudulent thieving promiscuous *** in jail!!

The REAL question is not why all the single moms...rather WHY ALL THE DIVORCE??....hmmmmmmmmmm
MAYBE people should try picking a mate based on character and values and integrity and honesty and such....MAYBE it should take a few years of being with that person to determine if those qualities are ACTUALLY PRESENT.... maybe the criteria for selecting a mate should not be based on how HOT they are, but more on how decent of a human being they are?
golly what a concept?!?!?

an older buddy of mine ( who has since passed) used to say:
" if you pick em too hot, you're gonna BURN!"

something to think about