Whats the project today

Drove out to the coast to install a dishwasher for a customer who never had a dishwasher in her home. Finished that up, stopped at Autozone and bought a new 2 1/2 ton floor jack. Came home and tore out the shifter cable I installed in my car 2 weeks ago and melted on Thursday morning in the carpool lane dropping my daughter off at school on her last day of school. The tie wrap broke and the cable went up against the header and melted so I was stuck in park at the school. Needed to crawl under the car and disconnect cable end from the linkage to get the car home. Ordered a new cable next dayair and got it yesterday. This cable is a foot shorter and I installed the cable this afternoon. Much better now the new cable does not even come close to any heat sources. Now I am worn out. It has been around 100 degrees all week and I have been working in this heat all week long. Taking a cold shower in a few and then sleeping and going to church in the morning and then heading to a RARE Sunday car show tomorrow!!!