colonoscopy,not far from the truth!

Had my first one last year and Barry's writeup of it is dead-on correct.
The one thing they didn't warn me about was the fact that when you start to move your bowels as the prep medicine moves through your system (I opted for pills instead of the liquid), it burns your bottom like nobody's business. I felt like someone took sandpaper to my butt and then dumped hot sauce on it everytime I went to the bathroom, which is pretty frequent as the stuff cleans you out. It was excruiciatingly painful trying to clean myself up after every trip to the toilet. Be prepared.
BTW, I wanted my Bride to write "Exit" on my left cheek and "Only" on my right cheek before I left the house to go to the medical office for the procedure, but she wouldn't do it. I did ask my doctor afterwards if he still respected me, and if this meant we were going steady.