160 Thermostat

A 160° thermostat is a poor choice unless your goal is to reduce fuel economy and increase oil contamination and resultant engine wear. If that's what you're trying to do, by all means use a 160°*thermostat

you have to remember that down here Dan its not snowing year around.... its been in the 100's for the last couple of weeks... i cant keep my motor down below 200 driving around...

well I can see what points you guys are making, and im sure their valid, but this souther texas head is hard as hell on these older rides that havn't been rebuilt and flushed during a rebuild. I've used 160 thermostats on damn near hot rod project ive had down here, and usually operating temp stay right about 185-190, and im quite comfortable with that.

i wish i could get it to stay @ 195 lol