A teenagers "insert cool project name here"

I know the vehicle segment of Murphys Law all too well, I seem to be attracted to vehicles that keep me wrenching on them, currently my ZJ is the one vying for attention. I'll tell you what though, you can own vehicles that never break and you generally realize later on you, years later, still have to clue about most of the vehicle. Ones like my Jeep, and the 81 civic station wagon I went to college in however didn't and don't have a single part on them that I don't know like the back of my hand. Also makes diagnostics pretty easy, you know whats new and good, whats on its way out, and what you skimped on because your broke and it needed fixed. The more you work on em the more endeared to them you seem to get lol

Love the paint :-)

if you get a chance, buy the superstock springs they are only 100 per side, and they are ALL a mopar need to hook. dont get caught up in the cal trac and slapper bar crap.

Well good sticky tires really help:laughing:.....i've got SS springs in the back of the Fish and she still acts like its on ice when on dry pavement, the tires on the back are crap-tastic.