Need to vent!

Happens to me all the time. Just the other day I fixed up a lawnmower for a friend, new air filter, carb kit, plug, sharpened blade, and oil change... worked with the guy for 7 years now. I used him for a reference for a new job, he says oh yea they called, but I don't have time to call them back. People are dicks for the most part, and I personally won't go out of my way for others anymore.

It seem the term friend can become loose, and you usually find it our the hard way. Sounds like your "friend" turned into a "user", one of those who just use you and toss you without sucks. I will say I do have few true friends, and there are some I do help them fix their cars, house, what ever, but I know they understand and are grateful for the help. I have a friend i would go into business with, as I know he knows what we are getting into and we can work things out. Like everything in life, you have to use better judgement and that gets better with experience.

Like a good friend on mine said once:

"I've been screwed over so many times in business, I should be arrested for prostitution!"