Primer for bare metal on my 67

If you use the PPG line I would suggest DPLF, which is a good epoxy primer, self etching primers are not really for rust resistance and you put them on in a very thin "see through" coat. Etch primers are exactly what they sound like, an acid based primer that bites or eats its way into the metal for adhesion. It really should be only used in area's where you cannot provide mechanical adhesion like a good sand scratch. One thing to remember about epoxy primer is that it does NOT sand, they sand like bubble gum. So if you do use them I suggest next coating an epoxy with a good sandable primer surfacer. Some people will tell you to do your bodywork over the epoxy and just scuff it up, but in my experience it doesn't work worth a hoot and causes you more work in the end. Another route you can go with is NCP 270 PPG Surfacing primer... some surface primers are corrosion resistant, some are not. NCP is, and is very good at corrosion resistance. I would say NCP is a 9 out of 10 for corrosion resistance, adding epoxy before would be a 10 out of 10. As far as the pitting, the best way to remove rust is blasting, you can get small spot blasters that work good for small areas, but remember they cause heat to a panel and you do not want to go too high on a panel as it will warp from the heat.