Need to vent!

Locks keep good people honest....and old man once told me that.

Friends, hmmm. Yeah I learn long ago how that works, was this dude--this is way back before cell phones, etc---he was alright I thought, I had a dirt bike and used to hang out at this big field doing jumps and riding fast down the trails.

Used to puff weed on breaks, well he would show up, dude I don't have anything can I share, sure I go. This went on for weeks. Well a few months later I go flying past there and there he was puffing away with some other dudes. I go making a U turn and plan on joining in--I was out at the time also.

Dude goes, hey we don't have enough for you, I'm like what, I got you buzzed many times, hes like oh well.

Pissed me off so bad I never forgot it and watch who I trust, not very many people. Yeah some people are good but many just don't care about being fair