LEANNA'S Valve Covers.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom, I'm happy to see you got a chance to do some work on the car! They tie in nicely with the rest of your color scheme too ... hope you get many years of enjoyment from them.

I appreciate the kind compliments and memory pics from everybody else too!

dart_doctor, I'm happy to talk with you about your emblems or any other parts you might like to get done, but please keep in mind that I quote each job individually to be fair to everyone. Rocker Chris's emblems not only needed some repairs, they were done on a "rush" basis to keep up with his show schedule; he's also a Gold member who received a 20% discount so your quote won't necessarily be the same price he paid.

Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning guys! It's Billy's birthday ... but I think I got the presents. :-D