tired of tin cans

Lets not forget the mismatched rims and tires because they slammed it by cutting the stock coils for better handling and didn't realize 30 degrees of camber plus not re-correcting the toe will eat up your tires. Then there is the hit a bump and "bounce, bounce, bounce" because they blew the stock struts/shots because their race car handles like it's on rails. Since it's so fast it's practically stealth, they'll paint it olive drab and put neon pink rims on it. I like the unpainted, poorly installed and about to fall off "ninja sho-gun pokeee-mon bok bok" body kit. Lastly, lest we all forget you don't have a "tide and true" race car with out 400 pounds of stereo equipment. Oh and Honda's will rev to 10K all day, the blue smoke out the exhaust tells me so.

My two favorite ricer accessories:

Pizza Fin on top.
Flat Bed tow truck lift kit.

Don't get me started on how they dress, pegged pants but looks like they crapped them while rocking a "dopey" stocking hat when it's 90 deg out........

Every time one f's with me I ask them "do your parents know you drive their car like that"....