Time to get started.

Way to go Mike! Victoria can move on her own now. :thumrigh:

I know what you mean about doing a little bit at a time. I'm finally doing some work my Demon. In March I wiped out on the ice behind my apartment building. Both my feet went flying out from under me and I'm sure I flew about 4' straight up in the air. Came crashing down flat on my back. Haven't been the same since. Always in pain and uncomfortable. But if I don't get the Demon drivable and out on the road this year, I'll get rid of it. No sense in letting it sit for year #6.

So I said if Mike can do a little bit each day, I guess I can too. Thanks for the inspiration. Now let's drink something! :drinkers:
Even if it's one wire or setting the air gap and timing it will get dun one day REAL soon :hello2: walling on ice!! sure can shake the bones hard Wylde1.
As long as I have something on my mind and move smart I fake my brain out with a little help from music in the back ground and work smart.
I will take a double shot of Tequila and a lemon aid please :thumrigh:
Shut down on my drinking, But Tequila will always be in my diet :thumrigh:
We can do it !! :hello2::hello2:


Mike she looks pretty dang good for what she has been through.
Thank you Reb :thumrigh: mother nature sure made a mess of her, I really need her running so I can drive her, so as soon as I have the alternator in hand and the starter relay working I will be getting close. Then it will be setting the air cap/ timing properly it should be detail from there on :thumrigh: