Harmonic balancer question????

After much research and frigging around I finally got the right combination of balancer, flexplate, converter, and crank. I have a 93 360 Magnum with stock external balance and a neutral balance 3500 TCI "Street Fighter" converter with no weights on it. I used a stock 360 Magnum flex plate WITH the weights on it, the TCI converter with no weights on it and the Professional Products balancer that comes with three separate weights one for LA, 0ne for 360 Magnum, and the other for some other LA combination. My question is: the original stock 360 LA and Magnum balancer had a section "cast out of it" to achieve the balance. The Professional Products looks at first to be an internal balance balancer till you flip it over and see where it can take one of the three weights supplied, depending on your setup. Do I set up the balancer with the weight on the flexplate 180 degrees off in relation to the position of the weight on the balancer, or does it matter where the weight is positioned when I get it all set up???