UGH!!! Starter Issue. HELP!

I figured it out.... by accident. Are you guys ready for this..? After all this, all the great suggestions and brain storming and a new starter... you won't imagine.

I got under there for the last time before I pulled the new starter off and had the wife crank it over one more time so I could see exactly what was happening with the starter. AND.... guess what.. it's not the starter(s).

Did you say flywheel..? Hmmm...

Try the "RING GEAR" on the flywheel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry5:

That puppy just spun round and round the edge of that flywheel sweet as ya please... and that starter just sang as it spun.

Can you believe the crap these cars put us through!? I've never heard of such non-sense... bloody ring gear?.. RU kidding me!!!! What a joke!

So I'll add about four or six carefully, precisely and evenly spaced 3/8" spots welds to weld that sucker to the flywheel and that'll be the end of this latest saga.

IF I would have just laid under there looking at THAT the first time this happened a few days back, lord... :sign3: