Take a ride with me

Good to see her heart beating again Mike. You and Miss Vicky have been through a lot lately.
Ain't nothing but a thang :hello2: Thank you and it does feel good knowing she is just about ready for some road time :thumrigh:

I'm having a cold beer to toast you triumph over mother nature Mike. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Thank you Stan, I woke up about 7pm with my granddaughter looking at me and wanted Papaw to get up :thumrigh: Nothing like a big hug after a hot day outside :thumrigh:

Hey Mike, It's good to hear Victoria rumblin' again. You're really close to having her going good as new. Take it easy this strongend, enjoy yourself :thumrigh:
Thank you 6pkC :hello2: I will take your advice :thumrigh:

Great to see Victoria up and running again!:thumrigh:A new alternator and belt and she,ll be ready for the long haul.Nice vid. and the FABO shirt displayed for all to see,lets members know your a true A-body man.Just simple MeMike on the hill!TeeHe.:hello2:
I could not wait to let all the folks see I got everything changed out and wired in :thumrigh: The heater hoses tried to whip my @ss but just a small amount of brake fluid and they slid right on Scott :thumrigh:
As you can tell she is a quite runner and I revved it one time as I made my approach back to the nest, you can barely here it. Just the way I like it :hello2: