Proactive commercial nipple shot on CABLE TV! ( or is it? )

youngsters don't look. me and my wife were just watching TV and one of those proactive blemish cream commercials came wife was not paying attention and I THOUGHT I seen something but by the time I double took it was gone and I said to her " I think I just scene a nipple" lol.

so the next set of commercials came on about 15 minutes later and this time I was not paying attention but my wifes eyes were glued to see if she could catch it......she said " YUP ....that was definitely a boob and nipple shot" lol.

so I got on youtube and looked up the commercial and sure enough....there was a full on boob/nipple shot for a brief moment.

I wouldnt make a big deal about it if this was a commercial on HBO or Showtime or some other channel that allows such things....but this was on regular old CABLE TV! ....anyones kid can see this!

sure its only for a brief moment but still.

how the heck did something like that slip past the editors of the commercial?!

UNLESS its a guy?....if so ...he sure does have feminine looking attributes lol...and being that I think the entire commercial was all woman .....I don't know lol.....thought you guys would get a kick out of it anyhow.

here is a link to the can see what I am talking about at the VERY start of the video.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Nip Slip on Proactive Commercial!‬‏[/ame]