Front disc coversion problems

Manual brakes, spongy pedal means air in the lines. Visually look over your cylinders/ calipers carefully, and visualize where the internal cavity is, and the bleeder screw. You want the bleeder at the very top. On some cars, you can reverse the calipers and end up with the bleeders down

In extreme problems, one thing that might help is "rig it."

"Rig" C clamps into the calipers to control how far out the pistons travel. Bleed as best you can, and allow the pistions to come out into the clamps. Then disconnect the hoses and remove the caliper. Let them sit, "hose up" then gently close the clamp to force air/ fluid back up the hose. This should clear the caliper. Then reconnect, and bleed at the hose/ tube connection rather than the bleeder port

Proportioning is a matter of getting the correct valve/ adjustment. Some switch/ dist. blocks do NOT really meter/ proportion, and used a separate valve. Probably the easiest "out" is a Summit/ other aftermarket prop. valve.