Boobs are not fair.

I work as a bouncer on the weekends. Checking ID's at the door and maintain the crowd. I tell you I hate nothing more then snotty little b*$ches that get pissed at you when there fake ID dont pass. We are one of the few bars in town that actually card at the door. Ive noticed the new age doesnt have a clue.

I own a bar. Kids think it's a funny game to try and get in and drink underage. It's not funny to me. The fines are unbelievable. Then we get a lot of the idiots that were kicked out of other bars. Every night at 1:00 they come in absolutely hammered, driving their cars, and expect us to serve them. When I refuse, they swear and scream and then stomp out and get in their cars again. I try to tell them all that a $30 cab ride is cheap compared to fines, attorney fees and jail time. It's hard to reason with a drunk.