PICS NOW OF MINE HELP PLZ need pics of dart column to fix mine or parts or drawing

here are the pics

like i said steering wheel was sloppy like pulls towards me and pushes back in so i know im missing some kind of bushing and a clip some where to stop letting it come forward i started at the wheel and worked my way all the down and i cant find that key peace plus i im wondering if that spring goes up by the wheel and not down there.
the repair book does not show a break down just a general pic of a column

first pic
is when i got the wheel and first two column rings or what ever you want to call them off this is what i found what im i missing here????

second pic
this is all the peaces minus the small things like retaining plate for blinker switch and screws and stupid stuff that is not going to make this problem happen

pic three
breake down on what all was there and how it came out

im really lost on this one and my car is finally done and this was my surprise when i got it from the alignment shop
really need some help guys on info part names parts a column what ever
i was told 67 thru 69 dart valiant and barracuda are all the same columns