Boobs are not fair.

I own a bar. Kids think it's a funny game to try and get in and drink underage. It's not funny to me. The fines are unbelievable. Then we get a lot of the idiots that were kicked out of other bars. Every night at 1:00 they come in absolutely hammered, driving their cars, and expect us to serve them. When I refuse, they swear and scream and then stomp out and get in their cars again. I try to tell them all that a $30 cab ride is cheap compared to fines, attorney fees and jail time. It's hard to reason with a drunk.

A story for you Mopar to ya
My brother in law owned a bar in RI when they just started to come after bar owners for drunk patrons getting in wrecks. He started a policy where if you came in with 4 people, one was a designated driver, and every time the table ordered a round the designated driver got a free non-alcoholic drink and a "credit". On another night that driver could come in (with another designated driver) and cash in those "credits" for free drinks.
It worked for his business (and actually increased it).

Just a thought...............Jim