Boobs are not fair.

Boobs do nothing for me. I'm a leg and booty man so she would have went to jail crying crocodile tears.

On a serious note, she really needs to count her blessings and quit driving drunk.
My Sister in law is in jail for the next ten years, already served four for passing out drunk while driving with her two girlfriends.
Both of them are dead and she was in a pile of broken bones under the dash.

Don't know how she lived through it but she was an expert at driving drunk and getting away with it for YEEEEEEEARRRRS, even used her looks and yes, boobs to flirt her way out of tight spots with cops until that night where it all came to a sudden stop at a driveway culvert that flipped the vehicle like a catapult nose over tail twice, instantly decapitating both of her pretty girlfriends and ejecting them all over some poor guy's front yard.
Ugly scene, and the Parents of both dead girls said they knew it was a matter of time before they got this phone call.

Moral to this story?
Luck has an ugly sense of humor.