Ticked off!

OK...took my 67 Dart GT into the shop to have some work done (one of which was getting the entire gas tank / send unit replaced). There was a lot of work and they had the car for nearly 3 weeks. I had specific instructions that it was to be completed by TODAY because I had family coming in and we were taking the car to a show and a cruise out to a nice restaurant in the country.

So I start it up (SOUNDS GREAT- due to the new Doug's headers and finished exhaust...had to get quieter mufflers as they were way too loud) and drive it to the gas station to fill 'er up. To my surprise as I get to the FULL all this gas starts flowing from the top of the gas tank, under the car. And it does not stop. The manager asks me to leave the premises because it is a safety hazard. So I pull up to the shop where I had the work done and everyone has left for the day (it was around 5pm). I finally get a hold of the owner and no one will be in the shop until Monday...but he sent someone down to at least put it in the shop. So now I am out a car for this cruise and my family will not be able to see the car!!! Additionally, the speedo I asked them to work on is still pegged at 35mph (but does move normally when I pass that speed). I'm pissed.:cwm10:

Anyway- I assume it must be the seal or tube that goes fromthe top of the gas tank. I mean, the thing is brand new...how could they forget to seal it?