My '65 Barracuda project

I've done work on the car since those pictures were taken. :D
I've had the radiator cleaned. I had REALLY good guy to do that. He took apart the radiator, brushed the terminals of the core with some brush, and soldered it back together. All for under 100 bucks. ;D

I took off the water pump only to find it was sealed with only blue silicone. -_____- I took care of that and bought a new water pump and painted it a nice blue with a coat of clear. I cleaned up the timing cover down to the bare aluminum and painted that also. Now this is where you should be getting angry. The previous owner did the wiring on the car... with speaker wire. Unbelievable. I redid the wiring all over the place with some good 10gauge wire as needed. I am very satisfied with that. :D