yeah, Ok

If you were to loose that thing in the parking lot, you surely could find it either by the 'handle grips' sticking up in the air or the huge crowd standing around laughing thier butt's off!!
If I had a choice of either owning one of those 'ricers' or walking everywhere, I'd walk!! Can't stand those things. There are a few that drive around here in our town and they really get off, letting the 'shopping cart' drift down the steep street and letting it 'crackle & pop' kinda like a jiffy pop pop corn ready to bust it's seems. :shaking2: Yeahhhhhhhhh, I'm shaking in my boots and they are in the closet?!?!??! Go figure these people out?

Really what the h~~l are they trying to prove anyway? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:


By the way, what was the point of putting that crap on this outstanding site for Mopars anyway??

:headbang: :headbang: :banghead: