Holley 1920 Stumbles

Hey everyone carb questions

The 1970 Duster we just got has a slant with the Holley 1920. It has a stumble on acceleration but if you pump it a bit it will go, but it had a slight surge sometimes at a steady speed and you gave it a bit more gas.

I thought it may be the accelerator pump, so i got a rebuild kit and rebuilt it. It actually made it worse. Particularly when its nose down on a hill.

Before i rebuilt it, it would stumble, backing up our driveway, but give it a bit more gas and it would go, as well as accelerating from a stop.

Now it has become worse, it will die if you back up the driveway, and it will stumble and almost die, or it will die when accelerating.

i thought it may be a vacume leak, sprayed around but all seems ok. I am wondering if the float level is wrong.

If it stumbles on flat on acceleration, or when the car is nose down, that would be a float level thats too low right?

Hit gas, car uses all gas in float bowl since it is to low and dies? Or when its nose down, the gas is all in the front of the bowl causing the float to drop to far, not allowing the car enough gas to back up the hill?