So, who has taught you about cars?

As a child , I grew up with my grandparents. My "Pop" (grandfather) was a mechanic for Bettenhousen Dodge in the 70's. At night we'd grind and lap valves, port heads, rebuild carbs and trannies right on the kitchen table. That was side work. Grandma was always pi55ed bout that. I was very useful in the head rebuilding as I had tiny hands at 5 yrs old for puttin in those little keepers. Been exposed to lead, solvent gas and everything since I could crawl, didn't kill me or screw up my kids.( as far as I know) Anyhow he really did not want me wrenchin , but hey, I support my family turning wrenches. Since I started gettin paid I went from shop to shop lookin for the oldest guy in the place who had all his fingers , I'd park my box next to his and pick his brain for all it's worth then like a swarm o locust move on to the next shop an do it all over again. I think my education adds up to a couple hunnert years of experience now. Wouldn't trade any of it. Some of the best men I've ever met or been priviledged to know or work with.