What a Wakeup !

I agree with you 100% Jimmy Boy........the USA is digging it's own grave because God was taken out of most everything these days.
I can remember when I was in school......way back.... :scratch: that we didn't have any problems with having prayer in school and when it came time for a 'whooping' for doing something wrong in class or at home, I knew that I'd have to 'bend over and grab my ankles' :wack: NOW........you mention prayer or bible in school or in a public place and everyone looks at you as some kind of :wack: . I didn't turn out too bad........(my opinion :glasses5: ) to turn this country around would be a major undertaking to say the least. The woman [o'hare] that got this all accomplished, I think is now dead.......probably burning :angry4: :evil2: in h~~l. When I heard of the tragedy here in Blacksburg, Va..... the first thing I thought of was that woman caused this way back when.........and really (if she were living) would be more blood on her head.
Anyway, putting prayer and God back into the schools and in public places should be done immediately to stop this kind of hatred. It will take some time to finally see results. By the way, even if prayer and God was put back into schools and public places and didn't work...........take it back out......... I say give it a try!!!! It might save a kids life!! :headbang:
Isn't that worth trying???!?!?! :cheers:

That's my 2 cents worth and will get off my soap box now.
Someone else can take over where I left off.

Save our kids and put God back into the USA!! :headbang:
Greg.............from Virginia