What the heck is going on here?!

If I was the CEO, I'd tell my Engineers to do it. That's why they get paid. If it cost more, then I'd charge more, or at the very least, give the buyer some heads-up about the issue.

Technically, just seeing the photos, a bit of a recesss, or more likely slight arc around the tab would work (I know this introduces a potential stress point, but it can be addressed metallurgically (& no, I don't know how, but do know that it can be done). Maybe the bar bows slightly away.

Point is -it can be done. I may not know how, you may not know how. But if you're paying a lot extra for something, then you deserve better consideration than no answer at all, or "oh yeah, that's your problem". That's the reason why we have to bail out crappy companies like GM (...& Chrysler twice).