What a Wakeup !

sweatybetty said
aint gonna happen. its only going to get worse. read the Book of Revelation. take a look at the big picture, at history, and you can see its all true. day by day we tend not to see, but the little things add up.

I see your point sweetbetty...Like I said, I'm not "overly" religous however, if the future is layed out and that's the big picture of things to come then there's nothing we can do to change it. Ya know I was far from a perfect kid but sure got "my" licks as a kid and often gounded to the yard for weeks at a time. But, I always had the respect. "Most" but not all kids have so much electronic "****" these days they don't have time for anything else or care to!

Now a days...If ya see a few kids walking down the street that look like their up to no good...stop the car, get out and give them a kick in the ***......because ya know their headed for trouble or returning from it. LOL

Funny, I remember back twenty years ago when my son...3 or 4 ripped his hand out from mine to out race another kid to the corner and push the cross button. He darted so quick and didn't stop when I yelled. It happened so quick I just freaked he was going to run out onto the road, I gave him a spank (not a beating) right there on the spot for "not" stopping. A lady seen me...stopped her car and gave me the riot act! She told me how wrong I was, that I could loose my son, that I was a bad parent, blah-blah. Bet she never had her own kids!
As far as I'm conserned, the only rights "children" should have are the rights "good" parents give them. There must be nothing worse then some snotty kid of ten tell a good parent "It's my right" after the mother or father said "NO"
Retired and waisting wind...LOL