Times we live in.

Chaos is the great equalizer of change, and horror makes people look -- like a car wreck you just have to rubberneck. You feel guilty about it. Seems when all method of a peaceful resolution are exhausted, people resort to the most primitive, and effective method of negotiation -- violence. I'd like to think Obama's doing ok, better than what Bush was doing but god..... what a hellva mess.

As for gasoline, oil and burn-outs. Yeah, I'll keep doing burn outs til I die! It may not be with gasoline, the tires may end up changing, but I'll find a way, even if it'd be illegal. Not out of an act of rebellion, but out of an act of respect to those times and what they represented, truly we may never be free but we all have times of memories when we were happier, ignorant to the world and only worrying about kid stuff. For some, model air planes, the newest bicycle, a telescope, for others ninja turtles and super soakers, for this generation rock band and ipods.

Also, when I say old farts, trust me Its out of respect, some of you guys might even helped design my favorite engine or car, or did something amazing at the race track.

My dad was an old school racer and laid down some records in Calif, LA. He always goes on about telling me goofy tricks like a coffee can full of ice and wrapping the fuel lines around it and other old school stuff.