check out my new RMS rear suspension ..(pics)

krabysniper said
Because someone had to take the time to figure out the geometry, and then build the jigs, aquire materials (shipping and handling) then there is the electricity, building costs (rental or mortgage or what not), insurance, tools, equipment and misc. supplies, also his time/effort. Cool stuff isn't just the materials that go into it, it is also all the rest of the work involved + materials. Do you go to work in the morning and tell your boss you only want to be paid material costs? It is a lot of $, but I don't see that it is out of line for what you would get. You try to copy that with nothing to go by other than these pictures and I would be fairly certain you'll spend twice that (remember your time is $ also).

Very nice rear suspension set-up Joe. I like my factory leaf suspension better personaly, but I do think that is cool. Will be interesting to hear what kind of performance change you'll get both road and 1/4mile. I don't suppose you ever had it on a skid pad to have some base line cornering information? Words like "it rode nice" or it "felt great" are not the same as real world performance figures, just like someone saying "that car feels like a ten second ride" but then they take it to a track and find out it is only a 14 second ride.

Yes granted. But you only have to do the geometry once, build the jigs once, etc... I'm all for people making a good living, I just don't want to get bent over in the process. Economics 101, if you want to make a million $$$$$ do you sell one widget for $1,000,000??? Kinda limits your buyers. Or do you sell 100,000 widgets for $10??? The principal at work is illustrated in the Laffer Curve. But I digress.