This poor Dart....

OK.. my first thought was it was photoshopped yesterday, so I opened it in Photoshop and started inspecting it. I looked at the lines, grass, and whether any of the items looked like they were stitched or filled using a different resolution. There was some minor speckling, but that can be normal depending on the camera used, lighting etc.

It still didn't look "correct" so today I imported it into CorelDraw and started tracing some perspective lines. It seemed that there was some discrepancy, so I enlarged it, and printed it out. Then I taped some paper down and tried some perspective lines.

For those unfamiliar, perspective is a term used to recreate how we see something in real life. When we look at something, for example a box sitting on the ground with one vertical edge facing us, if we follow the top and bottom edges of each side, the lines will intersect at some point to the left and right, and this intersection will occur at the horizon line. These are referred to as the vanishing points.

The horizon line is the point where the ground and air meet. As long as the lines we follow are from parallel lines, this is true.

In the picture above, I first extended the horizon line out to the right. Then I chose areas of the car that would be at the same height from front to back.

1) Mid fender to mid-door
2) Center body line through the round marker lights
3) Center of rim
4) Lower edge of rim

By tracing these back to the horizon line, they should either meet exactly, or be very close due to tracing errors. They are way off. That is why as some have mentioned, the picture looks wacky.

Like the Mythbusters say: This one is BUSTED.