What Happened to my friend Strokerscamp

I would like to see him come back.....but as mentioned.....rules are rules. He will be missed here by many at Fabo I am sure.

I can see where its easy to get yourself in trouble too. I had a run in with a mod a couple of years ago...... all started with a member disagreeing with something I mentioned about my duster (which shouldnt have been a big deal.....but the person had to have the last word and was a little cocky about it and I was sent less than respectful PM's).....and at about this time I decided I was going to stand up for myself ....and then another member jumped into things and the name calling was going back and forth from the 2 of them and I and things spiraled out of control.

And because I didnt sit with my tail between my legs and I said what was on my mind I was banned (granted....I deserved it because I was mad and said things I regretted saying) but at the same time the others involved said some nasty things and were not punished.

I took my time off from fabo as a learning experience and watched my P's and Q's from then on out because fabo is to valuable of a place between the info and friends to throw it all away because of something as stupid as an internet argument lol

so as mentioned in a previous post I can see where it would be a good idea to punish both parties involved . (unless of course it was a clearly 1 sided issue....in such case it would be easy to see who deserves the punishment).

The best thing to do is no matter what anyone says that might rub you the wrong way......think twice about what you have to say because everyone (and potentially youngsters) can see what you are saying. If you have an issue with someone....take it up with them in a PM or contact a mod and let them know whats up .

But I find it best to just let things roll off my shoulders....if I don't like something I see or something someone has to say or whatever the case.....I find it extremely easy to click to the next page LOL.