Seized Drum Brake

Sounds to me like your doing everything right..... PB blaster is real good as I use it around my shop quite a bit. What has probably happened is the car has sat for a longtime somewhere and the heat and possible weather conditions have pushed the wheel cyl pucks out of their bore and made everything tight inside the drum. Just keep on soaking the star adjuster as often as need be, and you may get it to turn, with luck. If you want to spend the money O'reilly's auto parts sell some penetrant that is made by Seafoam Co. called Deep Creep which is really good but is around 15.00 a can. Sometime's I've had some luck by unbolting the wheel cyl. AS MY LAST RESORT...... SOMETIMES I HATE TO DO IT...... BUT OUT COMES THE MILLER PLASMA CUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK:angryfir::toothy7: