Emergency: Trying to change oil pump on 65 again

I think that's how we have it. I was going to go mess with it today but it started to rain and it's outside. I know we have the pass. motor mount totally off because I'm waiting for it in the mail. The driver's side has been replaced with a new one so there's probably not as much leeway now because it's a new firm rubber mount. I can my pump all the way until you can't see the gear anymore through the distributor hole and then I can't pull it all the way out. If I ever do get it out I can only imagine how difficult it is going to be to get it back in. I even removed the outer cover and the outer rotor like it said in the Plymouth manual. I placed the 2x4 exactly like they had it in the picture and tried to pry in the exact place, but I couldn't tell where they were prying at because it was a bad illustration. I just tried everything I could to duplicate the factory procedure. I'll give some more tries when I can get over there.