Noob mistakes with your car

Really noobish mistake on my part. I only get to see my brother once a year and usually it's only for a single day, maybe two if we're lucky. So we are out crusing in the Dart and it's a nice day and we have all 4 windows down just enjoying the air.

He makes some comment about him lighting the tires up on my car and wondered if my car could. So I stop on a straight stretch of road and proceed to lay a 15 foot strip. I probably could have made it longer except for one critical problem. With all the windows down the entire car filled up with burning rubber smoke. And we're talking can't even see out the windshield amount of smoke.

So I let off the gas and we start coughing and laughing like little kids between coughs trying to wave the smoke out the windows so we could at least see. The smoke cleared just enough that I could see and so I started driving slowly figuring that would help clear out the smoke in the car.

I turn around after the smoke cleared to go see what I did and there were two cars behind me when I did the burn out. They were waiting for the cloud to disperse from the road and they were hooting and cheering (along with a few guys watching from the sawmill beside the road). I was sort of embarassed being that I never realize anyone was even around.

Anyways was some of the best fun my brother and I have had together in a long time.

So anyone else have any noobish mistakes like me leaving the windows windows wide open during a burnout? :D