Noob mistakes with your car


Oh the Humanity...

SO, I wanted to impress the local (yummy good looking sisters)
who lived around the corner from Me...
Me & My 'comical racing cohort' are in My 65 'S' ...
We roll up in front of the 'Ladies' house, He (aforementioned cohort)
zips around the back of the rig & douses the tires with Clorox Bleach.

ooooohhh ... we gonna get points yuppers...MAYBE GET LUCKY:headbang:

LMFAO, EXCEPT, There's this whole tighten the lug nut thing...

BUHAHAHAHA... Pops payed for the tow, ... Interestingly enough,
Pam & Christen still showed up at My B'day party a few days later.

No preverts... they came to see the car damage, & sample some of
Pops white lightning...